I Bitch And Moan A Lot

I've been trying to get my sleep schedule back on track this week, which has meant I take sleeping pills at midnight, falling asleep at 1:30 only to then wake up at 6:30 ... so like, I'm still not getting all the hours I need. I don't know why my body hates sleep so much. I think it gives me anxiety that I'm like wasting time or something, and because I work so much better at night, but I can only work at night digitally since I don't need lights for that, and next month I have a bunch of comic events that start early in the day I need to be alert and well-groomed for. So yay, I'm behind in my work. At least I'm not also doing part-time work anymore, that would have just killed me. Ugh, I wish I could just be a night owl...