About FaLLEN

Identity; a name, a reputation, a legend. It's who we are, it's who we have made ourselves to be. But what if you woke up one day and forgot everything? Your own name, whether you liked ice cream or not... you know nothing about yourself except the emotions you're feeling at that very moment. Suddenly, your fear is all you have to hold on to. Would you try to remember who you used to be? Or would you let yourself be reborn and take on a new everything? What makes you YOU?

FaLLEN is about a team of girls who one day find themselves not knowing the answer to the simplest question; who are you? Vox, a mousy messenger from a goddess-like being known as an Aeon, tells the amnesiatic girls he can give them back their identities. All they have to do in return is fulfill their duties as Guardians, an elite team of warrior women with magical abilities chosen to guard the Mother Aeon. There's only one problem; she's missing.

Join Arma and the other Guardians as they try to discover the truth about their pasts as well as the truth about the mysterious Aeon in this new take on the magical girls genre!

About Ogawa Burukku

The art and story for FaLLEN is by American-born artist Ogawa Burukku. In 2004, she moved to Japan to study manga at the Nippon Designer Gakuin and work on her Japanese language abilities. After graduating with honors, she ended up staying in Japan to get work as an assistant manga artist and translator. Since then, she has worked with both Japanese and American studios and publishers as a manga artist, illustrator, storyboard artist, and translator, as well as occasionally lending her voice for narration and vocal jobs.

Up until September of 2012, Ogawa Burukku had worked on other properties or short projects (one-shots, or yomikiri), but FaLLEN was her first ongoing project, and she's been working on it almost exclusively ever since. It started out as a webcomic but has since been published independently in paperback form, thanks to funding by readers through Kickstarter. The project is a dream project of hers that she has been developing since high school, with the idea that she wanted to create an alternative magical girls series featuring an atypical lead with elements that could appeal to both male and female readers. "It's the series I wanted as a kid but never got to have... so I made it myself!"

About the REBOOT

As mentioned earlier, the author (me!) lived in Japan for 16 years before returning to America. While in Japan I explored traditional methods to make my manga and became very comfortable with screen tone, nibs, and brush pens. Manga supplies were so plentiful I could walk a few blocks to the nearest stationary store and buy some! But near the end of 2020, I made a tough decision to move back to America. I won't go into the details here, but it meant I was no longer able to access affordable art supplies for maintaining a traditional manga.

I tried digital methods but I honestly wasn't a fan of digital tones. I figured if I was going to work digitally, I might as well make the switch and do the comic in color. And, since I was no longer selling my books at Japanese comic events, I decided I would also switch it from right-to-left to left-to-right.

As much as I loved the medium, I have indeed discontinued the black and white FaLLEN series, but a color reboot is very much a project of love for me now. You can find the color comic over at FALLEN-COMIC.COM or check out my Patreon for early access to all new pages!