School Will Begin Shortly...

I remember designing that school was such a pain. END OF THE CHAPTER YAY.

I have an announcement: I have really struggled to get FaLLEN Vol. 2 ready for printing for a July release, but after realizing what all it would entail (Kickstarter, printing, shipping to the US...) and what it would cost me (my health!) I have decided NOT to push myself and instead push back the release of the book to September. The Kickstarter, which would have started in early May, is now being pushed back to starting in late June. This will give me plenty of time to make a nice looking Kickstarter, draw more color illustrations, and go back to a less grueling pace of four comic pages a week max.

I hope you all can respect my decision and hopefully this won't cause any problems. Really sorry I won't have the book ready for my July cons, but I'd rather focus on promoting the Kickstarter for it, anyway.